Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day in the life of a Mortician!!

In High School - I was gone on the day my class took a tour of the local funeral home. I've been curious as to what goes on inside since that day. This week - my questions were answered.

This Tuesday on Good Life (10/27) my day in the life segment will feature a local mortician. This week we took our cameras to O'Brien/Straatmann Funeral Home in Kearney - and it was an adventure! Everyone was very kind - and laid back - (not the typical "Halloween" image you picture in your mind of a mortician!)

The funeral home was beautiful really - and very large. Even the "prep" room didn't make me cringe too badly! Steve and Gary answered ALL of my questions...(some which I can't share with you on Tuesday!) I was really pretty laid back about the whole thing....until they took me to the area where bodies are cremated!

I have to admit - that process made me a little weak in the knees. However - it's not as bad as I expected. You'll have to tune in on Tuesday for a full account of my adventure! I will show you the prep room - and the inside of the cremation area as well!

I do have to note - when asking the guys how they prepare dead bodies for a living, their response - "it's a calling." I was amazed at their honesty - and genuine care for each individual they care for - as well as their families. All in all - a very interesting day that I can't wait to share with all of you! Leslie...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Is it time to start Potty Training?

OK! If you watched last week - you heard me talking about my sweet Ella - and her little mishap in the tub! :) Of course, I know this will happen from time to time - but, I would like to limit the amount of times! So - I ask you all - is it time to potty train? Of course, I think my baby is the smartest 14 month old EVER - but, I might be a little bias. So - is it too early to start teaching her to use the potty? If not, what type should I buy? How should I do this? Geez - these babies need to come with instructions! Big thanks to a couple viewers who told me to use teething tablets to help Ella with her teeth! I will try them tonight! I look forward to hearing from you all!! Leslie...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Recipe Shout Out

Do you or someone you know have a recipe for popcorn balls or some other nostalgic Halloween treat? Good Life would love to fearture your recipe on October 20th, just in time for the trick-or-treaters!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Weekend Get Together Ideas Needed

This weekend I am having a group of girls ages 13-18 over my house for a get together. I thought we would do something in the kitchen. Do you have a recipe that is fun, quick and easy that 7-10 people can participate in.....I need ideas! Or do you have a fun activity idea that is about half hour to 45-minutes long?
Peggy follow us on Facebook!
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Monday, October 5, 2009

Yes - I do shop in other places!!

Apparently I struck a nerve today on the show! I talked about how frustrated Walmart grocery shopping makes me!! (Too many people - trying to shop at the same time - not enough space!!) One viewer said I need to broaden my horizons a bit - and shop in other stores. Truth be told - I do. However, I have found walmart to have the cheapest items - when I have to buy a bunch! I would much rather shop at Target - but, they don't have any produce or meat! I enjoy the local grocery stores - and try to shop there when I can - but it gets expensive! - helps me find great deals in local stores and I try to utilize them when I can. However, many times life gets too busy - and I would rather make one stop at Walmart!

On that note, what do you guys do? How do you make grocery shopping a little less painful? I need your tips!! Thanks - Leslie